Effective Altruism for Christians Blog

Welcome to the Effective Altruism for Christian blog! We publish content by various authors on the intersection of Christianity and Effective Altruism. We talk about things like effective giving and the church, ethical and philosophical issues, happenings in the EA community, and more. You can read an introduction to Effective Altruism and Christianity here.

Selected articles by topic

Other articles

Infinity in Christian Ethics: An Introductory Guide

Should you try to make the charity spending of your church more effective? (Part 1)

The Judaeo-Christian ‘heart’ tradition and Christians in Effective Altruism

Should you have children?

A conversation with Daniel Abiliba

How receptive different Christian groups are to EA?

Part 3: Is Effective Altruism open in principle to theism?

Part 2: Is Effective Altruism open in principle to theism?

Part 1: Is Effective Altruism open in principle to theism?

A conversation with Lavender

A conversation with Daniel

A conversation with Wanjiru

Why I Reject Suffering Focused Morality

Are Effective Altruists Saints? (Part 1)

Are Effective Altruists Saints? (Part 2)

Is Effective Altruism Totalizing?

Once again on EA scandals

Book Review: What We Owe the Future

Book review: Strangers Drowning

Christians should think about the ‘good’ in ‘doing the most good’

Thoughts on Wytham Abbey

Should we transcend humanity?Christianity, transhumanism, and EA—part II 

Should we transcend humanity? Christianity, transhumanism, and EA—part I

Joy’s Story – Vida Plena: building strong mental health in Latin America

Thoughts on the FTX situation

History of Christian giving – part III

History of Christian giving – part II

History of Christian giving – part I

EA for Christians Annual Survey results

Utilitarianism and Christianity - Part II (Specific Issues)

Utilitarianism and Christianity - Part I

Results of a survey of 400 Christians on charity, altruism and EA related topics

Sonia’s Story

A little bit of chicken fried to share

Effective Altruism and the Kingdom of God

Tensions between Christianity and Effective Altruism

Control or surrender – is there a tension between Effective Altruism and Christianity?

Shrewd Samaritan - Book Review

A local-church-centred approach to Christian effective altruism

Given that some people will only ever give to Christian organisations, what steps could we take?

An update on the make-up of the EA for Christians community

Against duty-based arguments for giving to the local church

Does Jesus care if I get things done? Thoughts on What's Best Next

Perspectives on effective evangelism

A reflection on the life of Jesus

Jason's story: Walking the Walk of Effective Giving and Christianity

An exception that proves the rule

A Christian effective altruist approach to partiality

Molly’s story: Why Consequences Matter

Was Jesus an Effective Altruist? (Part. 2)

Donating a kidney

How large is the community of Christians involved in effective altruism?

Fran's Story: Am I the rich young man?

Dominic's Story: Love leads me to effectiveness

Is effective altruism too cold and calculating?

Should We Sound a Trumpet When We Give to The Poor?

David's Story: Doing good isn't about me

Was Jesus an Effective Altruist?

Should I tithe?

Guest Post: Four Tensions for Christianity and EA

Frugal Living: A Win-Win?

A Match Made in Heaven: Effective Altruism and Christianity

Should We Give Christians Priority?

Ten Arguments Against Relationship-Constrained Charity (4/4)

Ten Arguments Against Relationship-Constrained Charity (3/4)

Ten Arguments Against Relationship-Constrained Charity (2/4)

Ten Arguments Against Relationship-Constrained Charity (1/4)