Effective Altruism Groups

If you are looking to learn more about Effective Altruism and meet other people interested in these ideas joining an EA group or chapter might be a great fit for you. Groups run many different types of events which could include light social meetups, large speaker events and serious discussions. Typically, you do not need any experience to join a group and they are welcoming environments although some university affiliated groups may require you to be a member of the university.

Benefits of Local Groups

Meeting other people interested in EA is a great way to become more integrated with the community. You’ll be able to find people in a similar situation to yourself and probably a few steps ahead who may be able to help you figure out what to do with your career, hear the latest updates in priorities research or maybe hear about new donation opportunities. Pinning down the exact benefits of joining a local group can be challenging but many people in the EAc community have found it valuable. We particularly recommend joining a local group if you are studying or involved with a university that has a local group.

Joining a Local Group

The easiest way to find a local group is to use the directory hosted by the EA forum. In general, groups will have a website or facebook group where you can contact one of the group leaders to hear more or just go along to a meetup. It is also worth mentioning that there are a number of other groups based on cause areas, professions and affiliations, you can find the full list here (EA for Christians is an example of an affiliation based group).